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An Overview

The Fall Creek® Collection is a new and simple, value-added blueberry genetics platform that includes tech transfer and horticultural support for professionalized commercial blueberry growers around the globe.

Our goals for this program are simple:

  • Give growers a competitive advantage with a pipeline of special new genetics at all chill levels. 
  • Create a flexible program that gives growers the choice to stay independent in growing and marketing these varieties, or to partner with other fruit marketers.
  • Help growers succeed with these varieties by offering a higher level of horticultural support and technical expertise through our advanced Applied Research and Grower Support teams.
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Here Is What a Grower Can Expect as Part of the Fall Creek® Collection:

  • Access to any of the current varieties in the collection.
  • Access to Fall Creek®’s future pipeline of genetics in the Fall Creek® Collection at all chill levels.
  • On-going access to proprietary data & growing guidelines from Fall Creek®’s Applied Research department.
  • Access to visit Fall Creek® applied research trial sites in order to preview advanced selections & newly-released varieties in the US, Mexico, Spain & Holland.
  • Access to enhanced technical & horticultural support delivered by Fall Creek®’s experienced global Grower Support Team.
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How Do I Qualify as a Program Participant?

Eligibility is based on these simple qualifications:

  • Be a professional, commercial grower.
  • Have experience competitively growing and delivering quality fruit.
  • Show demonstrated performance in IP compliance.
  • In many regions, plant approximately 50 hectares (25 hectares in Europe). However, in other regions, demonstrating an adequate growth plan is a requirement.
  • Be growing blueberries in a territory where the program varieties are made available.
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What Varieties Are in the Fall Creek® Collection at This Time?

While we have a pipeline of genetics at all chill levels coming soon, we have launched this program with three very special No-Chill varieties including:

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Newly Added Varieties

We are pleased to announce that we have added new varieties to the Fall Creek® Collection.

High Chill Fall Creek® Collection Varieties include:

Mid-High Chill Fall Creek® Collection Varieties include:

Low Chill Fall Creek® Collection Varieties include: 

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How Do I Learn More or Sign Up?

For more information or to move forward on becoming a participant, please contact:

Fall Creek® US & Canada | 1.800.538.3001 | Email

Fall Creek® Mexico | +52 384 7338077 | Email

Fall Creek® Peru | +51 960 902 786 | Email

Fall Creek® Europe - EMEnA | +34 954 49 19 31 | Email

All Other Regions | Email

Content subject to revision at the full discretion of Fall Creek®.