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Fall Creek® South Africa | Our Journey

For the past two decades at Fall Creek®, we’ve been dedicated to pushing the boundaries of blueberry genetics, resulting in exceptional varieties that have revolutionised the global industry. Our breeding programme — with a strong emphasis on flavour, yield, disease resistance, and adaptability — consistently delivers results loved by both growers and consumers. In the final chapter of our journey, we proudly showcase our star performer: the Fall Creek® plant.

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Fall Creek® South Africa Receives Approval for a Post-Entry Quarantine Facility

Fall Creek® Farm and Nursery is globally renowned for providing exceptional plants to the blueberry industry. These exceptional plants come from carefully designed proprietary tissue culture-, rooting-, and hardening-off processes. A significant challenge during the quarantine period of imported varieties, is the inefficiency of tissue culture facilities to successfully root- and harden-off plants under optimal conditions.

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Remembering Dr. Bernadine Strik

Occasionally, a person enters your life and leaves an indelible mark. Rarely does a person leave their mark on an entire industry. Dr. Bernadine Strik was one of these people. We were deeply saddened to learn of Bernadine’s passing. She was a friend to so many of us and has left the entire small fruit industry a rich legacy of research and learning.

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Check Out Our CoCEOs on Kasey Cronquist’s Business of Blueberries Podcast

Our CoCEOs Oscar Verges and Cort Brazelton had an engaging interview with Kasey Cronquist in the Business of Blueberries podcast.

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Cort Brazelton shares his views on his key takeaway from the USHBC Blueberry Summit

With the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council Blueberry Summit behind us, Cort Brazelton shares his views on his key takeaway, what the industry is facing, and where it needs to focus.

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While the blueberry industry faces continuing change, the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council is also changing to serve the industry.

Having just attended the USHBC event in Nashville, Cort Brazelton shares thoughts on how Kasey Cronquist and his team are positively reshaping the USHBC to increasingly serve the industry.

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Last week’s USHBC podcast featured Micah Weiss our Sales & Grower Support Representative

Last week’s U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council “The Business of Blueberries” podcast hosted by Kasey Cronquist (USHBC & NABC president) featured Micah Weiss our Sales & Grower Support Representative and Amanda Griffin (vice president of engagement and education).

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The Promise of a Summer Bounty to Come!

Anticipation is building here at Fall Creek® in Oregon with our employee garden off to an exciting start at our Pleasant Hill Farm with 400 tomato plants and 800 peppers planted today.

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Insider Insights & Technical Tips from South Africa

By Dane Castle, Fall Creek® Grower Support Southern Africa.

In this first column of our South Africa new Insider insights and Technical Tips series, we are focusing on the terminology and physiology of the blueberry plant.

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Blueberries Are One of the Top Superfoods for 2019

1,300+ nutritionists have spoken: blueberries are among the top ten superfoods for 2019! As blueberry fanatics, this gives us even more reason to indulge in our favorite snack. Whether you enjoy them in a smoothie, or simply...

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Ricardo Polis Named As Fall Creek®’s Regional Director For South America

Following an extensive search, Fall Creek® Farm and Nursery, Inc., is pleased to announce that Ricardo Polis has joined Fall Creek® as Regional Director of South America. Based in Lima, Polis will lead Fall Creek®’s business in Peru and in other countries throughout South America.

Industrial Engineer by training, Polis is a veteran of South America’s agricultural industry, including extensive management experience in the production and exporting of fresh produce. Concurrent with his work at Fall Creek®, he will continue to serve as President of the Association of Peruvian Agrarian Exporters (AGAP).

“There were many strong candidates for our Regional Director position in South America but Ricardo’s long-time produce industry experience, high level executive leadership skills, and his deep personal commitment to the betterment and growth of Peru’s agricultural industry struck a chord with us. We look forward to his leadership in our South American business,“ says Oscar Verges, Chief Operations Officer of Fall Creek.

Polis adds his own thoughts about his new position, “When I heard about this opportunity at Fall Creek®, I did some of my own discovery on this company. In speaking to several Fall Creek® customers in Peru, I was really impressed to have 100% of them give high praise to Fall Creek® as a company. There is also such a strong sense of family at Fall Creek® and I was immediately made to feel welcome and like a part of this family-owned business by every person I met.  I see exciting opportunities for continued growth in South America’s blueberry industry and Fall Creek as a blueberry company is uniquely positioned to serve growers in Peru and beyond.”

All of us at Fall Creek® are proud to have Ricardo as a new member of our team and looking forward to working with him.

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International Women’s Day 2017

Grateful for the pioneering spirit of women like Ms. Elizabeth White, we say thank you for shaping the journey of the cultivated highbush blueberry. We celebrate women everywhere for their tireless efforts, influence, and contributions...

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Fall Creek 2017 Edition Catalogs Now Available

The 2017 Editions of the Fall Creek U.S & Canada Nursery Catalog and Commercial Growers Catalog have arrived! If you are a Commercial Grower or a Nursery Grower serving a retailer, contact us to request your...

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Video:  Interview with Fall Creek Mexico at Aneberries

During day 2 of the Aneberries 2016 show in Mexico last week, Horti TV interviews Salvador Alvarez of Fall Creek Mexico. Watch the video to hear his insights about the growth and opportunities of the...

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Last Call - Just Harvested In Verona, Italy Today!

Variety updates don't get any more fresh than this! Our grower support team is on the ground in Verona (northern Italy) today visiting our customers. This photo shows Fall Creek's variety Last Call picked just...

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